Friday, April 10, 2020

I Just Wanna Be Average free essay sample

Amy Clark English 111 Professor Nevins February 2nd, 2012 Audience Analysis In this summary I will target the Jr high and high school audience. I feel each of them should hear this because this is the time they are deciding to go or not to go to college. I feel each of them need to feel important at this time because they have low self of esteem and they need to believe they too can do anything they put their minds to. I hope to influence a few of them to go for it become what they want to be not what someone else see for them. I wish this was a book that all 7th and 8th graders would have to read. I think this would give some of them the hope that they need to become great people. For many children in the past, present, and future may be hard for them school for many Different reason; teacher students and students and student not getting along happen a lot. We will write a custom essay sample on I Just Wanna Be Average or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Adolescents: is just hard for most children their bodies are changing they have mood swings. So anyway Mike Rose in the â€Å"I just Wanna Be Average† is an example of this. Mike Rose according to http://faculty. kirkwood. edu/site/indet. phd? =24929 he has published poetry, scholarly research, a text book, and a widely praised book on America’s educationally Underprivileged Live on the Boundary. He is associate director of UCLA writing programs And has won a wards from National Academy of education, the National council of teachers of English, and the John Simon Guggeheim Memorial foundation. It is really hard to believe that Teacher paddles and smack and shake their students. But my mother would tell us stories as we where growing up that she had a teacher that used a ruler and would have them lay their hands on the desk and slap the ruler across them. We have a big thing now about being bullied I could not think that teachers being on the bulling side of this. But even as an 8th grader in school. I had a student counselor give me advice about pre-college classes we was all going in to get some advice about what to do. So I was so excited about what she was going to tell me because I had all of my friends telling what she had told them and how she helped them out. So I had got some time to go in: now it was my turn. I knew my grades where A’s and B’s with a few C’s. Then looked at me and told me that I would never be able to go to college. I could not understand but she said that there was no need to take any pre-college classes. I just wanted to break down and cry but I did not right then but later I did. I already had a father at home that put me down now at school too I left so stupid so I did not take any pre-college classes. School became just a place to hang out and make weekend plains I still made the same grades I just had more time to mess around I got passes to go down to work on the school banners down in the art room. About ten years ago I ran into a girl that graduated a year before me and we started talking and to Come to find out she (the counselor) had told her the same thing. That is when I started to feel better about myself after that. But I wish I could run into her so I could tell her that she should have never told me or anyone else that we had no chance of going to college. That she should have been positive to me and to everyone and anyone else that she talks to about college. I did not need that in my life at that time it was bad enough having a father that would put me down and smacked me around. That was the year he beat me with a belt so bad and he hit me with the end with the belt buckle I had marks around my neck and up and down my back and in gym class we had to change in front of each other and I had to hide in the stall or someone would see I wanted to tell but she had already been so mean already there was no way I was telling her (the counselor) anything. Yes I am at a good place in life now and I would tell her all of this. Back to the â€Å"I just Wanna be Average† story. I was glad he got involved with sports and he made a couple of really good friends. I encouraged my daughter to go out for track also. As I was reading on I almost cried when I got to the part about his father and his grandfather. About his father’s legs being amputated and his grandfather losing his in a stockyard accident. His father was confined to a wheel chair. I understood about being confined I was born with club Feet thinking all were good with them. I had swelling in my right foot almost every day. But I Still had good days and I could still go jogging and I loved it. But I went to the doctor and he Thought I needed surgery and he put screws in my right ankle. But at the time I did not know I would now never run again. So I went to a specialist and he told me anyone with club feet should never have had that surgery done. So I called the doctor that done the surgery and keep leaving messages that I wanted to talk to him about this. So instead of him meeting with me. I received a bill in the mail saying everything is paid in full. Now I cannot run to relieve stress or work in a factory. That is why I am going back to school to get a job that gets me off my feet. So that is why I was so glad when he met the English teacher that changed his life forever. I love the teacher’s that get involved as he done. He had him over and he got to read every thing titled. He got to flip through paper backs and scanned jackets and memorized names: Gogol Finnegan’s Wake, Djuna Barnes, Jackson Pollock, A Coney Island of the mind, F. O. Mattiessen’s American Renaissance, all sorts of Freud, Troubled sleep, Man Ray, The Education of Henry Adams, Richard Wright, and many more. I could not believe he called around and get a loan to go to college. He is just an amazing teacher and it is hard for me to believe that anyone would do anything like that. I loved that he had a happy ending. His school day’s was really hard and I really don’t know if I could ever handle what he went through without snapping, with the teacher being abused of and having his father going through what he went through at home. He really did not get a break until he met the English teacher and think God he did. We all need an angle sent to us just some of us do not get that. Work Cited Rose, Mike â€Å"I Just Wanna Be Average† Live on the Boundary 1989, Kirkwood community college 2011 Friday, February 03, 2012

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